LifeSpot for Places of Worship
Places of worship are a respite and a center of connection between people for many communities. An active shooter event in this setting is in many ways unthinkable, and yet, violence has increased at places of worship. LifeSpot has been a leader in bringing safety solutions into churches, synagogues, mosques and other religious institutions.
Notification in seconds
Once a LifeSpot alert is activated, employees, staff, or any LifeSpot user will be notified of a possible active threat via their mobile phones almost instantly.
Instantaneous updates from responders
LifeSpot users are updated when law enforcement is on the way, and when they arrive on the scene.
Critical messaging with law enforcement
LifeSpot’s chat feature allows LifeSpot users to communicate directly and instantaneously with law enforcement.
Life saving user statuses
LifeSpot users can mark an injury status, giving law enforcement their location to speed up medical response.
Real-Time location details
Law enforcement can view the live locations of employees, staff and other LifeSpot users during a live alert.
Identification of armed personnel
If your organization utilizes armed staff members, law enforcement is made aware of who they are and their location at the time of the threat.
Faster and more Efficient Reunification
LifeSpot's communication and identification tools mean faster reunification with loved ones once the threat is over.